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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Hiking Trail

There is a hiking trail not really far from my house. Believe it or not, I've never been to a hiking trail before. Yes, the government in Indonesia won't go into the trouble of developing any hiking trail for the recreation of its people; let 'em stay at the malls who will pay taxes for us.

This is a reservoir near the hiking trail. Pretty, right?
The Hiking Trail!

Hiking trail in fall colors!

I know I look fat - probably because I was wearing three layers of clothes...

Can you see the bee?

Reservoir again, with extra fall leaves on the top

This plant thing were looking as if there were ice on top of it, probably you can't really see it but it looks white

I just really love the reservoir.

Anyway, I seriously think we should have a hiking trail in Depok. It's just really beautiful-looking, and of course really useful for cycling or jogging or just walking.

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