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Monday, December 2, 2013

I'm sure time doesn't have any wings but...

It flies so quickly, it flashes in front of my eyes.

Well not literally. But still.

I know this is just the beginning of December, but I already received an email from AFS stating my exact flight back to Washington DC for Reorientation (it's a reverse orientation, not about blending to new culture but about blending back to your own culture), on June 18th, and the flight back to Indonesia on June 20th. I will probably have another Reorientation in Indonesia, maybe about three to five days or maybe even seven days again... I don't know. So, I might finally meet my beloved Indonesian friends again around June 25th-ish. It means I'm gonna meet my family again. A part of me has been dying to meet them out again, ready to hold dearly things I've left behind for a year.

But honestly, with all respects to my natural family and to my Indonesian friends, another part of me kinda want to stay here a little bit longer...

A part of me wants the time to just freeze. It wants time to sit still, because what I'm experiencing now is too wonderful to be over.

My Wooster School friends and teachers are a big part of this. I just love them so much; I want to know and memorize their full names, I want to know all their birthdays and want to be able to give them birthday presents that they might like. Speaking of this birthday thing, today I just gave Trevor a birthday present. It was nothing valuable, just a packet of Japanese painting magnets from Metropolitan Museum of Art. It costs me twenty cups of hot chocolate lol, but when Trevor received it he seemed really happy. On top of that, I was also really happy.

When I did my presentation at Wooster, even though there were only seniors and juniors, there were laughter all along the presentation. They really did laugh at everything I said - probably I should consider being a stand up comedian - and many of them were surprised too about some Indonesian facts I brought up on the presentation. My mouth were really dry and I coughed a lot and I drank water on the middle of the presentation, but everybody just laughed together at that as if it's a usual, funny thing to do on presentations. Nobody seemed to judge me - yet they keep saying that my presentation was cool and I was really cute and it was really fun and I-couldn't-stop-laughing. I remember George was the first one to ask when the Q&A session started, and he also asked another thing after the presentation ended. I remember everybody was really eager to ask, I remember there were many people raising their hands at once. I remember Ms. Northup helped me out before presentation, saying she climbed the hill from Art building to the Middle School because I'm her student and she wants to see my presentation. I really appreciate that. Thank you, everyone.

I remember when I, Jessie, Emma, Taylor, and Emma's brother (lol I forgot your name, sorry) went to the Cheesecake Factory and then Danbury Mall. We basically just fooled around together, but it was really fun. I really wanna do it again~

So, yeah, Wooster had started to grow in me. And my beloved host family too, of course. I'll mention them in other posts on other times. Gotta sleep - gotta go to school tomorrow.

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